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"I come from a proud family history that has been involved in public service for as long as I can remember. I want to work for you. We need to create a living wage, improve our schools, Make college more affordable, protect our healthcare system and put the control back in the peoples hands, Gerrymandering in particular, a top priority. With nearly a decade of government experience, I know what it takes to find solutions, navigate complicated governmental agencies, and get things done."



Education is the corner stone of our society. It keeps us advancing and changing the world. We must do a better job educating our youth and making college more affordable. Being on the bottom half of educated state is no excuse. We must listen to our teachers, parents and students. An equal education for all kids is needed. Our public-school system is failing. My mother who’s a retired teacher always thought every student is important. It only takes one student or one idea to change the world.


Drugs are tearing through our families and friends. We need to tackle this problem now and not later. Ohio is one of the top states for overdose deaths. This should be unacceptable for anyone. I will fight this issue head on and put a focus on every life matters.


Many people focus on the Federal legislation, It is equally important to watch our state policies. Healthcare in Ohio budget has a dramatic impact in our lives. Medicaid is under attack and we need to stop it. The Ohio Senate attempted to freeze enrollment in the Medicaid expansion program. This would block anyone from signing up in the future. I will fight to block any attempt the General Assembly will make against our American values. People shouldn’t wait until they’re deathly ill before going to the doctor. Just because they can't afford a visit. A early visit to the doctor could give the time needed to stop cancer from winning.


The city of Columbus is growing. With the top 5 best real estate markets. We can only expect higher cost of living. With the higher cost of living we need more jobs and higher wages. I will put a focus on job creation and higher wages. This will benefit us all. The cost of living with minimum wage is too much of a burden. We need to raise minimum wage to livable levels. Higher paying jobs will expand our city infrastructure. Leading to policies to ensure clean drinking water, safe streets and a more effective highway system.


Having a wife from another country gives me firsthand knowledge of what immigrants bring. They bring a new way of thinking and care as much as we do about our country. We must protect American values and protect innocent people from those who see them as the enemy. " Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." This Status of Liberty quote is America. Don't let people tell you it isn't.  I will work to keep sanctuary cities safe and work to bring innocent children refugees to America. The American dream will have a strong defender on their side.

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